Vanlife pride restorative justice process

Vanlife Pride (VLP) believes in restorative justice and providing violators of our Community Guidelines with an opportunity to learn, grow, and demonstrate improvement to rejoin the community safely. We offer this only if the offender acknowledges and takes accountability for their actions. Vanlife Pride will only be providing restorative justice opportunities for offenses that occur during a VLP event or an affiliated event. 

If an attendee has an issue or an incident occurred with another attendee outside of a VLP event, they can request mediation from the VLP team, however that will not fall under the Restorative Justice Process. 

Please note that eligibility for restorative justice opportunities is determined at the sole discretion of the VLP team, and we reserve the right to decide on a case-by-case basis whether an individual qualifies for this process.

the process

When an incident occurs that violates our Community Guidelines, severe incidents will be reported to the Authorities with permission of the victim, and the violator will be asked immediately to leave the premises. 

For all violations, the VLP team will create an Incident Report for the violator that documents the incident and, if applicable, outlines the steps necessary to be allowed to return to our events. This report will be given to the violator.

Restorative Justice Requirements

  • Acknowledgement and Accountability: Offender vocally states that they are aware that their behavior, specific to the incident, was inappropriate and that they are motivated to learn and improve. 
  • Action: Offender takes measurable steps to demonstrate learning and growth as specified in their Incident Report and/or as outlined below.
  • Time: As a standard practice, individuals who violate community guidelines are typically banned from all VLP and affiliated events for 12 months. However, the VLP team reserves the right to adjust this timeframe at their discretion based on the specifics of the situation. At a minimum, the ban will remain in place until all action steps are completed and the violator has demonstrated sufficient growth and improvement. The duration of the ban and related details will be documented in the Incident Report.

Actions Required for Restoration

  1. Complete a course related to the offense and provide proof of completion. VLP must approve of the course chosen and/or can assist in determining an appropriate course. Offender will be responsible for any associated costs.
  2. Provide 2-3 character statements, specific to the work done to improve behaviors related to the offense. Contact information must be provided. 
  3. Complete a review with one or more members of the VLP team to discuss the matter and any additional considerations for restoration and re-entry.

Following Completion of Action Items

  1. All action items are documented and submitted to VLP a minimum of 2 weeks before the event the participant desires to attend.
  2. VLP team members will check and verify action items documented and reach out to participant to let them know that they can register for the event. 
  3. Participant will be on probation for the next 12 months. During this time it is expected that the participant follows the Community Guidelines without incident. 
  4. If another incident occurs, the VLP team will determine whether the participant is eligible for restorative justice again. Alternatively, the VLP team may decide to permanently ban the participant from all VLP events.

Last revised: September 21, 2024


We welcome community members to provide constructive, actionable feedback regarding the Vanlife Pride Community Guidelines & Harm Reduction Statement and Restorative Justice Process. Please feel free to share your thoughts below.


We encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses sexual misconduct at our events to report it immediately to a Vanlife Pride team member. We take all reports and complaints seriously and equally, whether they be made toward staff, attendees, sponsors, or community members.

The privacy and safety of victims (or those making a report) is of the utmost importance. Complaints and their details are never made public or shared with third parties unless explicitly requested by the person making the complaint and/or the information is already publicly known.