Vanlife pride community guidelines

Vanlife Pride (VLP) is a brave, respectful, inclusive, and creative environment for everyone to enjoy. These Community Guidelines apply to everyone at all Vanlife Pride events and who participates in our social media channels. We hope to see it reflected in the way we treat one another in general. Guests, staff, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and press will be held to the same standards.

We reserve the right to remove or ban any person who does not adhere to the Community Guidelines.

Leave No Trace

By attending any Vanlife Pride event, extending to Cheers Queers Social Hour, Queer + BIPOC Camp, and any other Vanlife Pride social gathering, you agree to follow Leave No Trace Principles. We believe in honoring the land by minimizing environmental impact to the best of our abilities. The 7 principles are:

  1. Plan ahead and prepare
  2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  3. Dispose of waste properly
  4. Leave what you find
  5. Minimize campfire impacts
  6. Respect wildlife
  7. Be considerate of others

Please visit Leave No Trace for more information.

On-Leash Dog Policy

Vanlife Pride has a strict on-leash dog policy at all Vanlife Pride specific events. This allows members of the community to participate if they have a reactive dog, are nervous around dogs, have other pets, etc. Unless a designated time/area has been identified, there are no exceptions.


We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, including:

  • Intimidation or threats
  • Inappropriate disruption of events
  • Intentionally hurtful language, including but not limited to repeated intentional/malicious misgendering of fellow community members
  • Physical assault of any type
  • Inappropriate and/or unwanted physical contact
  • Unwanted sexual attention
  • Unwanted photography or video recording
  • Bullying or stalking

We have a zero-tolerance on any discrimination in the basis of the following:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • National origin
  • Gender identity or presentation
  • Sex or sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Disability, medical condition, or pregnancy
  • Citizenship status
  • Political ideology


At our events we may have the following protocols to assist in the safety and security of participants:

  1. Mandatory Consent and Attendee Safety workshops for the Vanlife Pride official team
  2. Consent & Safety Workshops/Panel Discussions for participants 


VLP reserves the right to issue a warning and/or probation period in the following circumstances:

  1. If a VLP team member witnesses a community member repeatedly breaking the Community Guidelines in settings outside of VLP events and believes that person to be dangerous or a threat to the community.
  2. Multiple community members report that a community member is repeatedly breaking Community Guidelines outside of VLP events and the VLP team determines that person to be dangerous or a threat to the community. 

We encourage everyone to be proactive. The safety and success of events and the community rely on everyone: we want every person at Vanlife Pride to be committed to creating an environment that is free from violence, harassment, and sexual assault. If you see something, say something.

What to Do

If you are asked to stop any harassing behavior, stop immediately

If you experience or witness any form of harassment, please contact the nearest team member to address the situation.

To file a formal complaint, please email All complaints will be investigatedplease provide detailed information and your contact information.

Vanlife Pride is not a law-enforcement agency. If you feel unsafe in your immediate situation, please alert our staff, move to a safe location or the nearest main road, and dial 911 if you choose. Access to Starlink or Wi-Fi will be available at all times. 

If you need basic medical assistance, please alert our staff and we will direct you to our Registered Nurse volunteers.  

If you are looking for trauma support and/or victim advocacy, please contact the nearest team member.

If you are having an unexpected or uncomfortable experience for any reason, substance-related or otherwise, we encourage you to contact the nearest team member.

We encourage BIPOC attendees to gather in community during events and share your feedback about how Vanlife Pride can continue to deepen our commitment to equity and meaningful inclusion.


We take all complaints seriously and equally, whether they be made toward staff, attendees, sponsors, or community members.

The privacy and safety of victims (or those making a report) is of the utmost importance. Complaints and their details are never made public or shared with third parties unless explicitly requested by the person making the complaint and/or the information is already publicly known.


Violations of these Community Guidelines may result in consequences such as a verbal warning or expulsion from the event. 

If an individual is deemed to impact the safety and sense of well-being of our community, we reserve the right to remove the person from our event, ban that person from future events, *and* inform other event organizers that they have been banned.

For all violations, the VLP team will create an Incident Report for the violator that documents the incident. Violators may be eligible for Restorative Justice under the Vanlife Pride Restorative Justice Process. If applicable, the Incident Report will outline the steps necessary to be allowed to return to our events. This report will be given to the violator.


Vanlife Pride has a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual harassment and assault. Avoid confusion and misunderstanding by employing clear, consent-based communication.

It is your responsibility to get a clear, enthusiastic, and un-coerced yes before touching another person. Only a yes is a yes. Everything else, including silence, is strictly a no. Consent is affirmative and can be withdrawn at any time.

For example, even something seemingly innocuous as greeting a stranger or acquaintance with a hug should be offered and not assumed to be permitted until explicit verbal consent is given.

Consent is the cornerstone of a healthy society. The joy of our community can be experienced only when people are free to express themselves without fear of sexual assault and non-consensual physical contact. To be a part of this community means knowing about and applying the principle of consent.

Make sure you understand consent by educating yourself with the following resources:

What is Consent from RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)

Fuck Yes! from the Accuracy Third podcast

The 11th Principle: Consent

Vanlife Pride fully supports the ongoing national dialogue on these issues, and we want you to know we will remain focused on nurturing consent culture and supporting anyone who experiences unwanted sexual behavior at our events and in the community.

Please take the time to learn about consent-based communication and talk to your friends, family, and community. Your efforts will make a better, safer community for everyone. 

In It Together

We are continuously working to improve our support for participants and staff, including providing education to our community.

We believe that informing participants about the resources available at Vanlife Pride will ensure people know where to go when help is needed and that we’ll be more successful in our ongoing effort to provide support and resources.

Please take a look and share this resource with your friends and campmates. 

It is up to all of us to build a culture of consent, to take action when we see something that doesn’t look or feel right, and to seek help when help is needed.

Thank you for your help in fostering an educated, empowered, and safe community.

Sexual Assault Advocacy

What is Sexual Assault? What is Sexual Misconduct?

Sexual misconduct is a legal term encompassing a range of unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature committed by intimidation, coercion, manipulation, or force. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any conduct of a sexual nature without consent.

Sexual assault is a criminal act that may be defined differently in different states.

Supporting Victims

The minutes, hours, and days after an assault are particularly vulnerable times for a victim. Our approach is to support victims, inform them of their options, and provide resources so they may control what happens next.

We encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses sexual misconduct at our events to report it immediately to a Vanlife Pride team member.

We understand that a victim may or may not wish to provide their name to our staff or law enforcement, get law enforcement involved, or speak with a trained advocate. A victim may need a safe, quiet space to be alone with friends or go to the hospital.

If you report an incident of sexual assault to one of our staff or volunteers, our entire team and community will be there to support you. Should you decide to contact law enforcement directly, we will direct you to the non-emergency line. With your permission, we will guide you to the entrance nearest to a main road and wait with you to avoid police presence at the event.

Please Note: It can be difficult for victims to repeat their story multiple times—please help them connect to the resources we have (described in this document and on our website) without asking them to repeat their story to bystanders unless they wish to do so.

Medical Services

Registered Nurses will be at Vanlife Pride volunteering their medical expertise for basic First Aid. 

They will know how to help, who to call, and which processes to set in motion. Medical personnel will help keep you safe and stay with you until additional help arrives.

Additionally, Vanlife Pride will have a volunteer who is professionally trained to provide psychological support and a safe space. 

These volunteers will be identified prior to the event, as well as at the welcome meeting.

Sexual Assault Forensic Exams

Vanlife Pride will offer to transport victims to and from the event at no cost, greatly decreasing the examination time and facilitating a speedier reconnection with friends and family. We also have trained advocates to accompany the victim if the victim wishes.

Other Resources

The Network/LA Red Hotline

24/7/365 Crisis Call Center Hotline
(775) 784-8090
or (800) 273-8255

SASS – Sexual Assault Support Services
(775) 784-8090
or (775) 221-7600

National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
(800) 656-4673

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) HelpLine
(800) 950-NAMI (6264)

Veterans Crisis Line
(800) 273-8255, Press 1

LGBT National Hotline
(888) 843-4564

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255

Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 500-1556 (24/7 in English or Spanish)

Lighthouse Services

Zendo Project

Fireside Project – Psychedelic Support Hotline
(623) 473-7433

Last revised: September 21, 2024


We welcome community members to provide constructive, actionable feedback regarding the Vanlife Pride Community Guidelines. Please feel free to share your thoughts below.

Please note that our organization is only responsible for addressing incidents that occur during our official events. While we strive to maintain a safe and welcoming environment, we cannot take responsibility for or control situations that occur outside of our events.

We will only take action on incidents that are directly related to our events, except in cases where valid legal documentation, such as a restraining order or similar, is provided.


We encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses sexual misconduct at our events to report it immediately to a Vanlife Pride team member. We take all reports and complaints seriously and equally, whether they be made toward staff, attendees, sponsors, or community members.

Please note that our organization is only responsible for addressing incidents that occur during our official events. While we strive to maintain a safe and welcoming environment, we cannot take responsibility for or control situations that occur outside of our events.

We will only take action on incidents that are directly related to our events, except in cases where valid legal documentation, such as a restraining order or similar, is provided.

The privacy and safety of victims (or those making a report) is of the utmost importance. Complaints and their details are never made public or shared with third parties unless explicitly requested by the person making the complaint and/or the information is already publicly known.